教育经历: 1992.09~1996.07 内蒙古大学,计算数学与应用软件专业,理学学士 1996.09~1999.04 大连理工大学,运筹学与控制论专业,理学硕士 2010.09~2013.10 大连理工大学,运筹学与控制论专业,理学博士 工作经历: 1999.04~2001.07 烟台东方电子,软件工程人员 2002.09~2012.07 鲁东大学数学与统计科学学院,助教、讲师、副教授,副院长; 2012.07~2018.07 鲁东大学教务处,副教授、教授,副处长 2018.07~ 鲁东大学交通学院,教授,副院长(主持工作),院长 讲授课程: 本科生课程:《数学分析》《离散数学》《数学建模》《数学实验》《统计学原理》 研究生课程:《优化方法》《优化算法与一致逼近》 荣获成就: 近年来,以复杂系统实际问题为驱动,在混杂系统、时滞最优控制、分数阶建模、拓扑优化等方面做了一些研究工作,发表论文30余篇,其中被SCI期刊收录10余篇。承担国家、山东省自然基金等项目2项。主持山东省教改(重点)等项目2项,获山东省优秀教学成果二等奖6项。 代表性教学成果: [1] 2022.03, 面向智能制造的机械类专业“三链融通·三层融合”模式的探索与实践, 山东省教育厅, 优秀教学成果二等奖, 首位. [2] 2017.12, 基于数学建模,多学科渗透的应用型人才培养模式改革与实践, 山东省教育厅, 优秀教学成果二等奖, 首位. 代表性学术成果: [1] Jingang Zhai, et al., Pathway identification using parallel optimization for a complex metabolic system in microbial continuous culture. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 12 (2011) 2730-2741. (SCI一区) [2] Jingang Zhai, et al., Optimal control of switched systems and its parallel optimization algorithm. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2014, 261: 287-298. (SCI二区) [3] Jingang Zhai, et al., Optimal control of nonlinear switched system with mixed constraints and its parallel optimization algorithm, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 25 (2017) 21-40. (SCI二区) [4] Qianqian Hu, Jingang Zhai*(通信作者), et al., Modelling and optimal control of a nonlinear switched system in microbial continuous fermentation, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2016, 33(3): 683-700. (SCI四区) [5] Teng Niu, Jingang Zhai*(通信作者), et al., Optimal control of nonlinear switched system in an uncoupled microbial fed-batch fermentation process, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 355(14): 6169-6190. (SCI二区) [6] Xiaohua Gao, Jingang Zhai*(通信作者), et al., Multi-objective optimization of a nonlinear switched time-delay system in microbial fed-batch process, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 357 (2020) 12609-12639. (SCI二区) [7] Teng Niu, Jingang Zhai*(通信作者), et al., The uncoupled microbial fed-batch fermentation optimization based on state-dependent switched system, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2021, 14(04): 2150025, DOI: 10.1142/S179352452150025X. (SCI三区)