山东省特种加工协会会员,国家自然科学基金网评专家,中国产学研合作促进会会员,省部级、烟台市科技项目验收专家;Materials Science and Engineering: A、Ceramics International、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Science and Engineering: C、Part J Journal of Engineering Tribology、International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology审稿专家。
国内外学习和工作经历: 1997.09—2001.06青岛农业大学农工系本科生 2002.09—2007.06山东大学机械工程学院硕博连读研究生 2007.07—今鲁东大学交通学院教授、教工党支部书记、副院长 期间: 2017.09—2018.09威海南海新区管理委员会副主任(山东省委组织部委派第三批科技挂职) 2018.11—2019.11英国诺丁汉大学 (The University of Nottingham) 访问学者 授课课程:
承担科研项目情况: 1 基于冲击波传导理论的层状陶瓷刀具设计及其多尺度力学行为研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(No. 51505208),2016.01-2018.12,项目负责人,第一位,20万; 2 基于不确定性分析机理的仿生陶瓷刀具研制开发及应用,山东省重点研发计划(公益类科技攻关)项目(No. 2019GGX104085),2019.01-2020.12,项目负责人,第一位, 20万; 3 基于削峰效应的仿生刀具微纳结构调控及裂纹自愈机理研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目(No. ZR2021ME152),2022.01-2024.12,项目负责人,第一位, 10万; 4 氧化铝基大型结构陶瓷烧结性和增韧机理的研究,山东省自然科学基金项目(No. ZR2011EL026),2011.12-2014.12,项目负责人,第一位, 4万; 5 基于灰色形态学的叠层刀具多尺度设计理论和抗磨损性能研究,山东省高校科研计划项目 (No. J18KA031),2018.07-2019.07,项目负责人,第一位;2万; 7 面向稀土永磁材料高速高精双工位多线切割技术的开发与应用,烟台开发区创新领军人才项目,2022.01-2024.01,项目负责人,第一位;700万; 8 机器人关键部件高效精密加工工艺研究,烟台拓伟智能科技股份有限公司 (横向项目) (No. 2019HX147),2019.07-2021.07,项目负责人,第一位;58万; 9 基于桥联效应的富氧辅助切削温度诱导的自修复陶瓷刀具基础研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目(No. ZR2022ME169),2023.01-2025.12,负责理论分析,第二位, 10万; 10 热-机械疲劳载荷下抗高温材料表面冷却孔的变形研究,国家自然科学基金项目(No. 51401100),2015.01-2017.12,负责实验研究,第二位,25万; 11 基于原位液相反应的碳化硼基喷嘴的研究,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(No. BS2012ZZ002),2012.07-2014.12,负责理论分析,第二位, 5万; 12 基于超磁致伸缩的高精度滚珠丝杠副预紧系统动态特性及应用研究,山东省重点研发计划项目(No. 2018GGX103046) ,2018.01-2019.12,负责预紧结构硬件布局设计,第二位, 20万; 13 激光诱导原位合成TiO2生物膜辅助车削医用钛合金基础研究,山东省自然科学基金项目(No. ZR2018PEE010),2018.03-2020.06,负责刀具磨损研究,第二位, 6万; 代表性科研成果: [1] 获奖成果名称:工程陶瓷烧结动力学及抗摩擦、冲蚀行为基础研究,获奖人:刘长霞,孙军龙;颁奖单位及获奖等级:2020年山东省高等学校科学技术奖三等奖。 [2] 获奖成果名称:Al2O3基与B4C基复合陶瓷机械与抗冲蚀性能研究,获奖人:孙军龙,刘长霞,姚美红,田忠民;颁奖单位及获奖等级:2019年山东省高等学校科学技术奖三等奖。 [3] 获奖成果名称:基于原位液相反应碳化硼陶瓷喷嘴关键技术要求,获奖人:孙军龙,刘长霞,李刚,赵万胜;颁奖单位及获奖等级:2017年山东省高等学校科学技术奖三等奖。 [4] 获奖成果名称:氧化铝基陶瓷刀具相关基础研究,获奖人:刘长霞,孙军龙,王亮申;颁奖单位及获奖等级:2016年山东省高等学校科学技术奖三等奖。 论文 [1] Changxia Liu*, Junlong Sun*, Federico Venturi, Acacio Rincon Romero, Tanvir Hussain**. Enhancing wear performance by depositing alumina/GNPs coating on textured WC-TiC-Co substrates. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 447: 128817. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [2] Changxia Liu, Junlong Sun*, Federico Venturi, et al. Microstructure and wear performance of alumina/ graphene coating on textured Al2O3/TiC substrate composites [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021,41(2) : 1438-1451. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [3] Changxia Liu, Junlong Sun*, Chao Wang, Fengxun Li, Tanvir Hussain. Fracture behaviour, microstructure, and performance of various layered-structured Al2O3-TiC-WC-Co composites [J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(14): 19766-19773 (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [4] Junlong Sun, Changxia Liu*, Rui Zhang, et al. Self healing ability and strength recovery of different laminated Al2O3cutting tool composites [J]. Ceramics International, 2020,46(12) : 20463-20471. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [5] Changxia Liu, Junlong Sun*, FengGong, et al. Effects of micro and macro features on the thermal shock resistance of laminated Al2O3–MgO composites [J]. Ceramics International, 2020,46(7): 9606-9613. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [6] Changxia Liu, Junlong Sun*, Gang Li, et al. Fabrication, mechanical properties and fracture behaviors of the laminated Al2O3-ZrB2-MgO / Al2O3-TiN-MgO ceramic composite [J]. Ceramics International, 2020,46(1) : 857-865. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [7] Junlong Sun, Changxia Liu*, Rui Zhang, et al. Comprehensive effect of the mechanical properties, laminated structure and healing conditions on the self-healing behaviors of laminated Al2O3-MgO ceramic composites [J]. Ceramics International, 2019,45(10) : 13597-13604. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [8] Changxia Liu, Junlong Sun*. Effect of load on friction and wear behaviors of alumina matrix ceramic guideway materials[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 743 (1): 268-273.(TOP期刊, SCI二区) [9] Junlong Sun, Changxia Liu*. Thermal shock behavior of rare earth modified alumina ceramic composites [J]. International Journal of Materials Research, 2017, 108 (5):390-395.(SCI四区) [10] Sun Junlong, Liu Changxia*, Lin Hongqi, et al. Effect of mechanical properties and impact angles on erosion behavior of B4C/TiB2 matrix ceramic nozzle materials [J]. Ceramics International, 2016,42(7) : 8826-8832. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [11] Sun Junlong, Liu Changxia*, Li Bin, et al. Effect of sintering parameters on mechanical properties and microstructures of B4C/TiB2 ceramic composites [J]. International Journal of materials research, 2016, 107 (1): 52-56. (SCI四区) [12] Changxia Liu*, Junlong Sun, Zaiyu Xie. Microstructures and sintering kinetics of pressureless sintered alumina doped with diopside and AlTiB [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 546(1): 102-106. (TOP期刊, SCI二区) [13] Changxia Liu*, Junlong Sun, Meihong Yao. Addition of rare earth and diopside to improve the performances of alumina matrix ceramic materials [J]. Materials Research Innovations, 2013, 17 (4): 293-297. (SCI四区) [14] Liu Changxia*, Sun Junlong, Tian Zhongmin. Hot pressing of Al2O3 matrix ceramic materials improved by diopside additive [J]. International Journal of materials research, 2013, 104 (11): 1137-1142. (SCI四区) [15] Liu, C X*; Sun, J L; Yao, M H. Sintering kinetics of alumina/diopside composites [J]. Materials Research Innovations, 2013 17 (7): 501-506. (SCI四区) [16] Sun Junlong, Liu Changxia*, Tian Jin, et al. Erosion behavior of B4C based ceramic nozzles by abrasive air-jet [J]. Ceramics International, 2012, 38(8): 6599-6605. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [17] Changxia Liu*, Junlong Sun. Erosion behaviour of B4C-based ceramic composites [J]. Ceramics International, 2010, 36(4): 1297-1302. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [18] Changxia Liu*, Junlong Sun, Xihua Zhang, et al. Pressureless sintering of alumina matrix ceramic materials improved by Al–Ti–B master alloys and diopside [J]. Ceramics International, 2009, 35(4): 1327-1333. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [19] Junlong Sun*, Changxia Liu, Caiyun Duan. Effect of Al and TiO2 on sinterability and mechanical properties of boron carbide [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2009, 509 (1-2): 89-93. (TOP期刊, SCI二区) [20] Sun Junlong*, Liu Changxia, Zhang Xihua, et al. Effect of diopside addition on sintering and mechanical properties of alumina [J]. Ceramics International, 2009, 35(4): 1321-1325. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [21] Junlong Sun*, Changxia Liu, Rugui Wang. Low pressure hot pressing of B4C matrix ceramic composites improved by Al2O3 and TiC additives [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2009, 519 (1-2): 27-31. (TOP期刊, SCI二区) [22] Changxia Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Junlong Sun, et al. Tribological properties of pressureless sintered advanced alumina matrix ceramic materials improved by Al-Ti-B and diopside [J]. Wear, 2008, 265(3-4): 286-291. (SCI三区) [23] Changxia Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Junlong Sun, et al. Tribological properties of pressureless sintered advanced alumina matrix ceramic materials improved by diopside [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2008, 28: 199-204. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [24] Changxia Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Xihua Zhang, Junlong Sun. Large-scale fine structural alumina matrix ceramic guideway materials improved by diopside and Fe2O3 [J]. Ceramics International, 2008, 34(2): 263 -268. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [25] Liu Changxia, Zhang Jianhua, Zhang Xihua, Sun Junlong. Fabrication of Al2O3/TiB2/AlN/TiN and Al2O3/TiC/AlN composites [J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2007, 465: 72-77. (TOP期刊, SCI二区) [26] Changxia Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Junlong Sun, et al. Addition of Al-Ti-C master alloys and diopside to improve the performance of alumina matrix ceramic materials [J]. Ceramics International, 2007, 33(7): 1149-1154. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [27] Changxia Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Junlong Sun, et al. Addition of Al-Ti-B master alloys to improve the performances of alumina matrix ceramic materials [J]. Ceramics International, 2007, 33(7): 1319-1324. (TOP期刊, SCI一区) [28] Liu Changxia, Zhang Jianhua, Sun Junlong, et al. Pressureless sintering of large-scale fine structural alumina matrix ceramic guideway materials [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2007, 444: 58-63. (TOP期刊, SCI二区) [29] Changxia Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Xihua Zhang, Junlong Sun, et al. Addition of Al-Ti-C master alloys and ZrO2 to improve the performance of alumina matrix ceramic materials [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2006, 426: 31-35. (TOP期刊, SCI二区) 专利 [1] Preparation Method of Bionic Crack Self-healing Coated Cutting Tool, 卢森堡发明专利,LU501550,授权公告日:2022.08.25,发明人: 刘长霞;孙军龙;翟金刚;陈曦;王梓龙;户培森;刘思晴;张彩萱;王家宝 [2] 一种基于冲击波传导理论的层状陶瓷刀具制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201710130540.5,授权公告日:2020.09.11,发明人:刘长霞,孙军龙,张凤明; [3] 一种超疏水仿生数控加工刀具制备方法,中国发明专利, ZL 201910620319.7,授权公告日:2021.07.27,发明人: 刘长霞,孙军龙; [4] 一种碳纤维增韧氧化铝陶瓷材料的方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201710151598.8,授权公告日:2020.10.16,发明人:刘长霞,孙军龙,张凤明; [5] 一种基于3D打印技术的微织构自润滑拉丝模,中国发明专利,ZL 201811114554.9,授权公告日:2021.04.13,发明人:刘长霞,孙军龙,张蕊,王庆东,杨尚志; [6] 一种碳纤维增韧羟基磷灰石生物陶瓷材料的方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201710151597.3,授权公告日:2020.10.27,发明人:孙军龙,刘长霞,张凤明; [7] 一种基于应力波理论叠层陶瓷喷嘴制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201710130523.1,授权公告日:2020.10.27,发明人:孙军龙,刘长霞,张凤明。 [8] 一种碳化钛/氮化钛纳米多层涂层叶轮及其制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL201310082498.6,授权公告日:2014.10.15,发明人:杨镇宁,刘长霞,孙军龙,王亮申,李刚,田忠民,孙宪刚。 [9] 一种氮化钛纳米多层涂层叶轮及其制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201310023985.5,授权公告日:2014.10.22,发明人:王亮申,刘长霞,孙军龙,杨镇宁。 [10] 一种Ti/TiCrN纳米多层涂层叶轮及其制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201310082478.9,授权公告日:2015.04.08,发明人:王亮申,刘长霞,孙军龙,田忠民,李刚,杨镇宁。 |